Wedding Photographer Prices : Download Your Free Price Guide
In the world of wedding photography, first impressions count. A well-designed price guide doesn’t just list your services and rates: it reflects your professionalism, artistic style and attention to detail. For future brides and grooms, this document is often the first concrete contact with your services. A clear, attractive presentation can make all the difference…

3 tips for finding clients as a novice wedding photographer
If you dream of being a wedding photographer, shooting beautiful ceremonies and emotional moments all weekend long, and creating lasting memories for the bride and groom, the engaged couple must hear about you! Whether it’s through your website, by wedding professionals, via controlled customer opinions, social networks or specialized platforms: your photographs need to circulate!…

Instagram pour les photographes : 12 conseils pour booster votre visibilité
Si vous n’êtes pas en détox numérique, vous n’êtes pas sans savoir qu’Instagram est le réseau social de référence pour beaucoup et notamment pour les photographes. En quelques années, Instagram est devenu l’un des réseaux sociaux les plus utilisés dans le monde. Aujourd’hui, la plateforme enregistre un peu plus d’un milliard d’utilisateurs actifs mensuels ce…

Finding the right keywords for a wedding photographer: 3 strategies for SEO
Finding the right keywords for your website is an important step in its SEO. As you may have noticed in my previous articles, I attach a lot of importance to SEO. And when we talk about SEO, we think about keywords. Generally, this is one of the first points to be considered. However, this step…

How to generate good backlinks on your wedding photographer blog?
Did you know that backlinks are necessary for the SEO of your wedding photographer website? As a reminder, a backlink or “incoming link” is a link pointing from one website to another. Today, if you are implementing an SEO strategy to boost your website traffic, you can’t leave out backlinks. Wall, it’s the topic of…

SEO for photographers: 7 tips to optimize your photos for SEO
As a photographer, your website is mostly made of photos. So, to boost your visibility you must think about optimizing them for SEO. Here, you only need to adopt a few tricks. And when I talk about tips, I am of course referring to the few foolproof SEO techniques to make your site climb in…

Example of a wedding photographer contract
The wedding photographer’s contract secures the relationship and the service between the two parties: the client, i.e. the bride and groom, and you, the wedding photographer. Last week, I showed you an example of a wedding photographer’s quote, and I told you that it was always essential to include a contract. Therefore, you must have…

Example of a wedding photographer quote
In general, once the future bride and groom are aware of your prices and have validated them, they ask you for a quote, that is to say a detailed account of all the services booked (couple’s session, rental of a Photobooth for example), but also the total of these services. This quote allows them to…

Wedding photographer in France: which legal status to choose ?
Before getting into wedding photography, you need to think about the legal status that best suits your situation. An amateur photographer and a professional photographer will not opt for the same legal status. Therefore, it is essential to learn about each of them to choose the one that will suit your business. In this article,…

The tools of the wedding photographer: 8 tools I use every day
As I tend to point out in my blog posts, being a wedding photographer is not just about taking pictures. In fact, it’s a job that involves much more than that: you have to know how to communicate, how to sell your services (and sell your personality by the way) but also how to develop…

Does the wedding photographer have to post his prices on his website?
As a wedding photographer, when you launch your website, one of the first questions that comes to mind is the best way to present your prices. Should you display your prices directly on your website? Should you only reveal them once you have met your clients? Well, fellow photographers, don’t expect THE right answer! In…

The equipment of a wedding photographer
The equipment does not make the photographer… I’m sure you’ve heard it before! Well, it is true that it is not according to the choice of this one that you will be considered as good or bad photographer! However, the choice of the material remains essential to guarantee a quality work. Because let’s not forget…

How to become a professional wedding photographer?
To become a wedding photographer is to embark on a new adventure! A captivating, incredible, human adventure where you learn constantly. Moreover, no diploma is required for this profession. Yes, above all, being a photographer is an artistic job, a job of passion where we let our freedom and our creativity express themselves. So, if…

SEO for photographers : 10 tips to optimize your website
The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) includes all the actions used by Google to position a site among all the search results. If you spend time improving your site and it does not rise in the ranking, you will have noticed that Google is more and more demanding! In a few seconds it manages to analyze…

Create your professional photographer website, which web publishing software to choose?
Creating a professional photographer’s website is also building your own showcase. It reflects your universe, your style and your identity and thus, allows to attract new customers. Today, there is nothing easier than launching your own website. In a few clicks, you can create your most powerful work tool. This is possible thanks to the…

The 7 essential steps to become a wedding photographer
The first wedding… Stressful, isn’t it? Yet, you will see, it is often one of the most memorable. For me, five years ago, when I was starting photography, a couple called me urgently. Their photographer had dropped them at the last moment. For me, it was the way to exercise myself. I was a little…