How to generate good backlinks on your wedding photographer blog?
Did you know that backlinks are necessary for the SEO of your wedding photographer website?
As a reminder, a backlink or “incoming link” is a link pointing from one website to another.
Today, if you are implementing an SEO strategy to boost your website traffic, you can’t leave out backlinks.
Wall, it’s the topic of the day! In this article, I’ll go back to the importance of backlinks in a SEO strategy and I will give you 2 methods to integrate them to your wedding photographer’s website.
To read also
- SEO pour photographe : 10 conseils pour optimiser son référencement naturel
- Créer son site de photographe professionnel, quel éditeur choisir ?
- SEO pour photographe : 7 conseils pour optimiser ses photos pour le référencement naturel
Why put backlinks on your wedding photographer’s blog?
First of all, it is essential to understand why it is important to include backlinks into your SEO strategy.
Today, you should know that Google’s algorithms use them to rank websites. They are still effective and can be used to improve your position in organic searches.
Also, being mentioned on a website such as a wedding blog, the website of a wedding planner or another photographer, brings you more visibility and therefore new visitors to your site.
In addition, backlinks are very good ways to create a network of professionals in the sector with who you will be able to collaborate in the future.
How to generate good backlinks on your website ?
In general, you get backlinks from other websites that mention your work, your articles or your photo reports for example.
Also, every time you mention and add a hyperlink in your articles, you create backlinks for them.
But be careful, keep in mind that backlinks must be relevant (pointing to a site of your theme) and diverse (not all point to the same site and placed in different part of the article: sidebar, footer …)
Also, it is interesting to note that if your site is mentioned on a page containing other backlinks to well-known and high-quality websites, it adds points to your SEO strategy.
According to me, there are 3 great methods for a wedding photographer to generate good backlinks on his website.
The 3 methods to put backlinks on your wedding photographer website
There are several methods to generate quality backlinks. For a wedding photographer, we will note that 2 are interesting:
1/ Guest Blogging
Guest Blogging consists in offering to publish your work to the webmaster of another site.
This can be a photo report, an article… So you offer free content in exchange for a hyperlink to your site : a backlink !
Guest blogging remains one of the most effective techniques to increase your visibility, your audience and therefore your SEO optimization.
Moreover, as a freelance photographer, it allows you to network with your peers in the industry!
On the other hand, if you want to remain professional, there are a few steps to follow in order to carry out a successful guest blogging strategy. You can’t propose anything to anyone!
step 1: identify bloggers and rank them according to their influence
First of all, identify the bloggers in the same thematic as you. This can be wedding blogs, wedding planner websites but also other photographers’ websites…
Don’t hesitate to contact the most influential, you have nothing to lose but rather everything to gain (at least backlinks!)
In the article, The Wedding Photographer’s Tools, I tell you about the extreme usefulness of Yooda Insight that I now use in my daily life as a wedding photographer.
Well in your backlinks strategy, it will also be useful!
Indeed, Yooda Insight allows you to detect the leaders on the market. For example, if we search for “wedding blog” in the search bar, Yooda will give us the order of the most visited blogs today.
In short, thanks to this ranking you will have a first idea of who to contact in priority.
step 2: find websites that already do Guest-blogging?
Once you have a list of blogs to contact as a priority, you should check if they already do guest blogging.
Generally you will find the information directly on the blog: “submit an article” “submit a story”…
However, to go even further, there is a tool that allows you to analyze the backlinks of your competitors.
This way, you have an idea of which blogs accept guest posts and you can try to propose one!
This tool is Free Backlink Checker by Ahrefs: Check Backlinks to Any Site.
In addition, the big advantage is that it is free and easy to use.
step 3: contact the bloggers
Once you have determined your list of bloggers to contact, you just have to send them a nice email.
You can present them your universe, a story you are relatively proud of… Well, you have to make them want to republish you!
Before offering them an article for publication, try to create a first contact.
For example, you can share their posts on social media, comment on their photos… At least, when you send them an email, they will have a first idea of who they are dealing with.
step 4: agree with them on the theme of the guest article
2/ Interview experts
The second tip that will help you to generate backlinks to your website is the interview.
In fact here it is very simple! You just have to interview a professional on your website and he will have to republish it on his own website (adding a link to your website of course!)
To do this, establish a ranking of influential and interesting experts to interview on your website. All you have to do is contact them!
The interviews generate quality backlinks and therefore a SEO strategy even more optimized.
Moreover, the interview is a good way to meet the professionals of the sector and why not start collaborations with them.
In short, if you care about SEO for your website, you should also care about backlinks.
In this article, I have provided you with 2 methods, which I believe are simple for wedding photographers.
However, you should know that there are many techniques to generate good backlinks on a website. Many buy expired domain names for example.
Finally, don’t forget to register on photographer directories, it’s the first step to generate quality backlinks!