Wedding photography is one of those new jobs that is at the same time challenging and exciting. Get into wedding photography for yourself is a real challenge, a project that will have to be fully and assiduously orchestrated. But at the end of the day, it is also the way you will write your story. 

If I could give you a piece of advice, don’t wait any longer, let your momentum guide you. Indeed, practicing a profession of passion is as motivating as it is stimulating. But beware, living from wedding photography also means “creating your own business”, and therefore managing all the problems related to it (accounting, prospecting, communication…)

Start your business as a wedding photographer

Lancer son business de photographe de mariage

As for me, 5 years ago, I set myself a new challenge, that of creating my business as a wedding photographer. Today, after several years and 130 weddings, I live completely from my profession. Actually, I  am more and more passionate about every day. 

On my way, I have met many people who are passionate or curious about wedding photography, but who don’t have all the keys in hand to get started. Indeed, before starting, many questions cross our minds: What legal status would be the best? How do I find my ideal client? How to invoice my services?

This is why I wish to provide a complete and professional training accessible to anyone wishing to start a new adventure in wedding photography.

Personalized training 

This tailor-made training allows you to acquire the necessary skills to launch your business as a wedding photographer. What photographers generally lack is not the technical aspect of photography, but the business aspect. Based on each of your personal problems, doubts or specific questions, my role is to accompany you and find the keys to help you.

Learn with a professional wedding photographer

When I took my first steps in this captivating world of wedding photography 5 years ago, I would not have imagined it could come to this. From 3 weddings to 42 today is real success, built over the long term. That’s why I would like to share with you all my advice related to my own experience.

The importance of the training

Getting into a business like this can sometimes be scary, especially when you don’t have all the strings to your bow to make it happen. Courses and training are effective ways to gain experience and especially to start with a lot of confidence and serenity.

Wedding photographer, a profession of passion 

Wedding photography is an environment that certainly requires a good sense of organization and irreproachable assiduity. However, it is first and foremost a profession of passion where creativity and freedom are your own identity.

It is also a human work allowing you to make incredible meetings and to build strong bonds very quickly. In only one day, you discover the “private life” of a couple who was totally unknown to you a few months earlier. This couple trusts you because it is thanks to you that their memories can be immortalized.

Different themes of the coaching

Formation pour devenir photographe de mariage

During the training we will talk about many topics necessary for the launch of your company.

Thus, we will evoke technical topics such as :

  • The choice of the material
  • The settings of the camera
  • The identity and style of the photographer
  • The storytelling and the art of storytelling in pictures
  • How to lead a couple to have natural photos?

But also the business aspect:

  • How to position yourself in relation to the market?
  • SEO
  • Social network management
  • Legal status of the wedding photographer
  • Create a website to highlight your portfolio
  • Paid advertising or partner sites
  • Set your prices to sell yourself better

The types of training offered

ONE-TO-ONE Coaching

One-to-One coaching is a personalized training based on exchange, during which you will be able to ask all the questions specific to your problem. We will address several themes, and afterwards you will receive a detailed report of the actions you will have to implement. It is a real booster of success. Indeed, after this personalized coaching you will have all the keys to be able to start yourself serenely!

The 4-week coaching

The 4-week coaching is a complete training. Thanks to my experience, I will be able to guide you in each of your questions, and we will have the time to concretely address various topics related to the management of your wedding photography business.

As for the One-to-One coaching, you will have the choice between physical appointments or coaching by Skype.

Following this training, you will be able to manage all the aspects of your business with ease and common sense.

Lancer votre business de photographe aux côtés d'un professionnel

Some people think that wedding photography is a saturated field. I sincerely believe that to find your place in it, your identity as a photographer, your passion and determination will be your best allies.  During your training, my role will be to accompany you and guide you through the various issues related to the launch of your business. 

So don’t hesitate and trust me! If wedding photography is a sector that animates you, go for it!