Site web photographe de mariage : doit-il afficher ses tarifs sur son site ?

Does the wedding photographer have to post his prices on his website?

As a wedding photographer, when you launch your website, one of the first questions that comes to mind is the best way to present your prices. Should you display your prices directly on your website? Should you only reveal them once you have met your clients?

Well, fellow photographers, don’t expect THE right answer!

In this article, I will talk about the 3 most common methods to present your prices and I will detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

You can then decide which method you will choose!

To read also

The 3 methods to reveal your wedding photographer prices

Marketers will tend to opt for a strategy in which prices are only revealed at the end.

However, in photography, this is not always the good strategy.

In fact, there are several methods and depending on the price category in which the photographer is positioned, one of them is surely the most suitable.

During my 5 years of experience in wedding photography, I have been able to test all 3 methods and thus make my own opinion. That’s why I’m writing about it today.

afficher tarifs d'un photographe de mariage sur son site web

Display your prices on your website

Generally, after having validated your style, the first reflex of the future bride and groom is to look for your prices.

Therefore, some photographers have a “prices” section on their website indicating all the services offered.

With my experience, I highly recommend this method for photographers beginner. As we had seen in the article “Price of a wedding photographer“, amateurs usually have lower prices than professional photographers.

They will actually have a better chance of attracting customers with smaller or larger budgets.

In addition, by posting your prices directly on your website, the probability that the couple disengages after the first meeting is very low.

Do not display your prices on your website

I tend to recommend this method to experienced wedding photographers who have gained some notoriety.

In their case, the website is their artistic showcase: it must reflect their universe, style and experience.

Some people will truly fall in love with your work. And it’s all the more flattering for a photographer to know that we’ve been chosen for our style and not for our prices, isn’t it?

This way, if the future bride and groom have a real crush, they will ask you for a quote.

Display the mention ” from… “

For my part, this is the method I use today.

Indeed, this method is a good in-between, as the bride and groom leave with a price range in mind.

Also, the advantage here is the contact that is created: the bride and groom ask for a quote and in your response email, you can tell them more about you, your style, the services you offer …

In addition, you are sure when you make the quote that they have the minimum budget required.

However, be careful, the disadvantage of this method is that some couples will stop at this stage if they find the prices too high…

Therefore, for methods 2 and 3, when is the best time to present your prices?

In the event that the bride and groom contact you for your rates, there are two possibilities:

Those who send their pricing in the first email

The first email allows the human aspect to come into play. It is by reading you, that the couple discover who is hiding behind your website. That create a first link between you.

If your prices correspond to the bride and groom’s initial budget, there is a chance that they will sign with you.

Conversely, some brides and grooms will stop at this stage if the prices do not suit them.

Those who only reveal their prices on the first meeting

If you have a business streak, this method is entirely made for you!

You have succeeded in creating mystery and the bride and groom want to take the time to meet you to learn more!

dévoiler les prix du photographe de mariage sur site web

Now is the time to use your best sales arguments to get them to sign…

Indeed, in this case, during this first meeting, the photographer will hold all the cards to sell his services and justify his high prices.

However, it can also be a real waste of time if your prices are not within the budget of the future bride and groom.

Now that you know the different methods of posting wedding photographer prices, you can opt for the one you feel is most relevant.