Exemple d'un devis de photographe de mariage

Example of a wedding photographer quote

In general, once the future bride and groom are aware of your prices and have validated them, they ask you for a quote, that is to say a detailed account of all the services booked (couple’s session, rental of a Photobooth for example), but also the total of these services.

This quote allows them to compare the prices with other photographers. So they can make their final choice.

By the way, in a previous article, I wrote about the Prices of a wedding photographer, I invite you to check it out to learn more!

To read also

Why and how to draw up a wedding photographer quote?

Why is it important to get a quote?

Keep in mind that the drafting of a quote is purely optional except for the services whose amount exceeds 1500 €.

However, for a wedding photographer, the quote is a sign of trust and shows his professionalism. It is for these reasons that I strongly recommend you to make one every time, whatever the total amount!

Moreover, having the details on paper avoids misunderstandings between you and your customers. You won’t have any unpleasant surprise!

What should be added to your wedding photographer’s quote?

First of all it is mandatory to mention the quote number and the date. Generally, you will find them in the upper right corner.

Also, the quote should include a block containing information about your company:

  • logo
  • name of the company
  • address
  • e-mail address
  • phone number

It is also very important to notify (usually in the footer):

  • the legal status
  • the legal form
  • the SIREN registration number
  • the APE code

The first block represent your company. You must also include on the quote a second block with information about the customer:

  • name
  • address
  • e-mail address
  • phone number

Your quote must then include a summary table of each service in which we can find :

  • the service
  • the reference
  • the unit price
  • the quantity
  • the total before tax

Finally, don’t forget to specify the start and delivery dates of the service!

The estimate is above all the proof of an agreement between two parties: the bride and groom and yourself. Even if it is not always compulsory, many wedding photographers consider it essential to carry out their activity as professional standards.

Don’t forget to ask the bride and groom to sign it with the mention “signed and agreed”. And on your side, you must do the same! Finally, to avoid any kind of confusion, it is always better to associate a contract with it!