Astuces pour trouver des clients lorsqu'on est photographe débutant

3 tips for finding clients as a novice wedding photographer

If you dream of being a wedding photographer, shooting beautiful ceremonies and emotional moments all weekend long, and creating lasting memories for the bride and groom, the engaged couple must hear about you! Whether it’s through your website, by wedding professionals, via controlled customer opinions, social networks or specialized platforms: your photographs need to circulate!…

Instagram pour photographe

Instagram pour les photographes : 12 conseils pour booster votre visibilité

Si vous n’êtes pas en détox numérique, vous n’êtes pas sans savoir qu’Instagram est le réseau social de référence pour beaucoup et notamment pour les photographes. En quelques années, Instagram est devenu l’un des réseaux sociaux les plus utilisés dans le monde. Aujourd’hui, la plateforme enregistre un peu plus d’un milliard d’utilisateurs actifs mensuels ce…

idées de photos de mariage originales avec fumigènes

Original wedding photo ideas

Looking for original wedding photo ideas? Get inspired! I tend to emphasize that the art of the wedding photographer lies in his ability to capture stolen moments, emotions… With a lot of authenticity and spontaneity. However, to have more original photos, I think it is sometimes necessary to add a little personal touch. Nothing too…

Price of a wedding photographer: My 5 Tips for choosing a photographer according to your budget

Price of a wedding photographer: My 5 Tips for choosing a photographer according to your budget

The price of a wedding photographer is not fixed. According to your budget and your priorities, you will find the photographer who will allow your big day to be immortalized. Keep in mind that to prepare a wedding is above all to define a budget! As for the choice of the photographer, it is not…

Create your professional photographer website, which web publishing software to choose?

Create your professional photographer website, which web publishing software to choose?

Creating a professional photographer’s website is also building your own showcase. It reflects your universe, your style and your identity and thus, allows to attract new customers. Today, there is nothing easier than launching your own website. In a few clicks, you can create your most powerful work tool. This is possible thanks to the…