Photographe de mariage : quel statut juridique choisir ?

Wedding photographer in France: which legal status to choose ?

Before getting into wedding photography, you need to think about the legal status that best suits your situation. An amateur photographer and a professional photographer will not opt for the same legal status. Therefore, it is essential to learn about each of them to choose the one that will suit your business. In this article,…

Site web photographe de mariage : doit-il afficher ses tarifs sur son site ?

Does the wedding photographer have to post his prices on his website?

As a wedding photographer, when you launch your website, one of the first questions that comes to mind is the best way to present your prices. Should you display your prices directly on your website? Should you only reveal them once you have met your clients? Well, fellow photographers, don’t expect THE right answer! In…

Price of a wedding photographer: My 5 Tips for choosing a photographer according to your budget

Price of a wedding photographer: My 5 Tips for choosing a photographer according to your budget

The price of a wedding photographer is not fixed. According to your budget and your priorities, you will find the photographer who will allow your big day to be immortalized. Keep in mind that to prepare a wedding is above all to define a budget! As for the choice of the photographer, it is not…

How to become a professional wedding photographer?

How to become a professional wedding photographer?

To become a wedding photographer is to embark on a new adventure! A captivating, incredible, human adventure where you learn constantly. Moreover, no diploma is required for this profession. Yes, above all, being a photographer is an artistic job, a job of passion where we let our freedom and our creativity express themselves. So, if…