Original wedding photo ideas
Looking for original wedding photo ideas? Get inspired!
I tend to emphasize that the art of the wedding photographer lies in his ability to capture stolen moments, emotions… With a lot of authenticity and spontaneity.
However, to have more original photos, I think it is sometimes necessary to add a little personal touch. Nothing too superficial, only your creative spirit that will sign your artistic touch!
Well, sometimes finding your artistic signature can seem a bit complicated… Especially when you are a beginner in photography. And it is at this precise moment that we are glad of our friend Internet which proposes us a lot of inspirations.
Get inspired, yes! That’s how you’ll find your own signature.
It is essential to create this signature. It is according to it and the original universe that you will propose to the future bride and groom that they will be able to choose their wedding photographer.
Speaking of inspiration, I offer you 5 ideas for original wedding photos that I usually make.
Find your wedding photographer
- Photographe de mariage Fontainebleau
- Photographe de mariage Vincennes
- Photographe de mariage Val-de-Marne
- Photographe de mariage Seine-et-Marne
5 original wedding photo ideas
1/ The photo on the stairs
In general, if the wedding takes place in an a castle, you will find beautiful stairs. Take advantage of these to make a magical scene.
Stand at the top to have a view of the bride and her dress, or at the bottom, to see her arrive. The pictures will be sublime!
2/ The photo with the witnesses
To avoid having too frozen pictures of the bride and groom with their witnesses propose them funnier poses. Besides, you will see that this kind of session usually has the power to relax everyone. Take inspiration from their strong friendships and passions to show them original and funny poses.
3/ The photo with magic candles
During the evening, take a moment to organize an entrance of the bride and groom with their guests holding magic candles. You will see, the result is sublime and the bride and groom are usually very fan of this kind of pictures.

4/ The photo with smoke bomb
Smoke bombs are a great way to create original photos. For my part, I recommend to the bride and groom to use them during the couple shooting. They bring color and real good energy. In addition, the couple feels less frozen, which results in more natural and fun photos.
Well, you have to be quick because they usually last less than a minute!
5/ The photo with confetti
As for the smoke bombs, confetti is a good accessory to make photos more entertaining and original.
I advise them to the couple sometimes during their couple’s shootings, but most of the time during the exit of the bride and groom at the church or at the town hall.
For the bride and groom’s exit it is usually the guests who are in charge of throwing them. At this moment, the emotions are very beautiful to capture.
I hope these 5 inspiration photos will give you some original wedding photo ideas to make.
Do some trials and see what looks better. You can also log on Pinterest and Instagram which are now real gold mines for finding your inspiration.
And above all, keep in mind that the most original wedding photos are based on 3 pillars: authenticity, fun and emotion.