Les 8 outils indispensables à mon quotidien de photographe de mariage

The tools of the wedding photographer: 8 tools I use every day

As I tend to point out in my blog posts, being a wedding photographer is not just about taking pictures.

In fact, it’s a job that involves much more than that: you have to know how to communicate, how to sell your services (and sell your personality by the way) but also how to develop customer loyalty.

After several years of practice, I have learned to optimize all these aspects of the business, especially with the help of certain tools that are essential to me every day.

In this article, I select 8 of them that I use in my daily professional life as a wedding photographer.

Beware, not all photographers work with the same tools! Each one organizes himself in his own way, the most important thing is to optimize and organize your job as well as possible.

To read also

The 8 essential tools for my job as a wedding photographer


Fotostudio is a CRM tool imagined for photographers. As a professional, I think it is certainly the one that is most useful to me.

Indeed, Fotostudio allows you to centralize all aspects of your business in one place.

Thus, you can realize various actions such as :

  • automation of certain tasks such as emailing
  • customer management
  • contract signatures
  • creation and invoicing of quote
  • workflow overall
Fotostudio pour photographe de mariage

In fact, if you are a photographer and someone who is particularly organized, I highly recommend this platform. It will save you a lot of time and energy!

The monthly subscription is 29€. But as a professional wedding photographer, I assure that it is a very good investment that will be useful for you every day and in the long term!


Like Fotostudio, Pic-Time is a platform entirely dedicated to photographers. You can easily create galleries and share them with your customers.

I’ve been using Pic-Time since I started and I’ve never had a problem with the interface.

 de mariage

In addition, the big advantage of the platform is the shopping cart that allows your customers to order prints directly through the Pic-Time printing company. This allows you to generate additional revenue after the shooting (birthday gift, Valentine’s Day …)

Depending on the amount of photos you want to stock on Pic-Time, there are different prices from $0 to $34 per month. However, you can start by trying the platform for free by adding only a few photos.


WordPress is the online publisher of my website for several years.

In the article, Créer son site de photographe professionnel, quel éditeur choisir ?, I was talking about the different aspects of this host.

Check it out if you want to compare WordPress to other editors adapted for wedding photographers (like Wix, Squareplace or Pixieset for example).

Wordpress pour photographe de mariage

Although WordPress requires some computing skills, this host gives you a lot of freedom to manage and create your site. You can post your galleries, portfolios, blog posts… Generally, you can get a WordPress theme between 19€ and 300€.


Google Analytics and Search Console are free tools created by Google to analyze the SEO and the performance of your website.

I take the time to look at them every week!

In short, Google Analytics is an analysis dashboard of your website while Google Search Console is more focused on the indexation of your website by Google.

Both are dependent and very interesting to analyze. In addition, they are quite simple to use!


Yooda Insight is the most recent tool I discovered. I use it every day combined with Google Analytics and Search Console.

Yooda Insight outil d'un photographe de mariage

When you want to implement an SEO strategy to see your site climb in searches, Yooda Insight gives you the trends.

Yooda Insight is actually a large database in which it analyzes millions of queries. Then, it provides you with the major trends related to your business:

  • market leaders
  • most used keywords
  • competitor’s website performance


Unscripted is an app accessible to all (professional and amateur photographers).

It allows you to find your inspiration according to the type of shooting.

For example, there are different categories (engagement, wedding, indoors couple …) and depending on the event you shoot, the application offers natural and original poses.

On the one hand, it avoids overloading your phone with screenshots, and on the other hand, it allows you to shoot spontaneously and authentically (guided by the application).

Also, the application has a part dedicated to the management of your customers in which you can follow the CRM from the first contact to the end of the session.

You can install the application from 15$ per month.


In my opinion, today social networks have become as indispensable as a website.

They allow your company and your work to be highlighted. So you can attract new customers and communicate about your activity.

Some social networks focus on image, and that’s good because as photographers, it is our core business!

As for me, I try to be active on social networks like Pinterest or Instagram.

Pinterest allows me first and foremost to find my inspiration but also to share my work. As for Instagram, I use it to communicate about my business and attract new clients.

Through this article you have learned more about the tools that are useful every day for a wedding photographer.

They help me a lot to organize my work.

We are very lucky to live in the digital age so we can enjoy the best tools to ensure our success!